2025 MCMCH Members


Children's Hospital of Michigan

Corewell Health

Henry Ford Health

University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children's Hospital and Von Voigtlander Women's Hospital


Michigan Section, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 

Mott Children’s Health Center 

School-Community Health Alliance of Michigan



Honor Community Health
Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health

Michigan Association of School Nurses 

Michigan Breastfeeding Network 

Michigan Organization on Adolescent Sexual Health 

Michigan Primary Care Association
Michigan School Health Coordinators’ Association

Michigan State Medical Society 

Northern Michigan Health Consortium 

Washtenaw County Public Health
Zero to Thrive



Maternal-Newborn Nurse Professionals of Southeastern Michigan

What do Members Receive?

• Weekly e-mail updates on maternal and child health policy developments and advocacy issues, as well as action alerts

• Advocacy and public awareness opportunities and training

• Participation in issue forums and the MCMCH annual meeting

Sustaining Membership

Sustaining membership is reserved for health care institutions that have as their primary mission the advancement of maternal and child health. Sustaining membership includes a seat on the MCMCH Executive Board (Healthcare Systems $25,000; Regional/Local $15,000)

Contributing Membership 

Contributing membership allows nonprofit organizations and corporate entities with a maternal and child health interest to provide substantive support to MCMCH. Two contributing members are elected to serve on the MCMCH Executive Board (Statewide $15,000; Regional/Local $10,000).

Partnering Membership

Partnering members are those nonprofit, government or corporate entities that wish to work in collaboration with MCMCH to support issues related to maternal and child health. Two partnering members are elected to serve on the MCMCH Executive Board (Statewide $5,000; Regional/Local $2,000).

General Membership

General members are volunteer organizations that would like to be kept informed of maternal and child health policy developments and advocacy issues. One general member is elected to serve on the MCMCH Executive Board (Organizations $500).

Contact Us

Find out more about our membership packages by reaching out.

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